
Before bedtime skin care routine.

Image by caseywest. Flicker.
Taking care of your skin before sleep and when you wake up is very important, if you care about how your skin looks. Remember the better skin looks the less make up you have to wear and who doesn't want great looking skin?

What you need to do:
-Before bed make sure to remove all makeup. This is the most important thing one could do before bed because it helps remove anything that could either dry out your skin or make it oilier. It also helps clean the face of any dirt or build of from the day
           FYI: Did you know that leaving your lip stick on while you sleep can be the cause of dry lips?Although you could dab on a bit of lip balm before bed, but make sure its not tinted and make sure to remove ALL lip products before bed. 

-Clean clean clean! Rub rub rub! Using a cleanser (either home made or one that you've bought) at least twice a week really helps clean out your pores. It helps revive skin and leaves feeling clean, fresh, and smooth.
        TIP: I recommend Visibly Even foaming cleanser by Neutrogena. It not only deep cleans, brightens and smooths my skin but it has also helped visibly even out my skin tone.

-Moisturize. Having smooth and soft skin is not only sexy but it also allows you to apply makeup in a clean canvas AND most importantly it allows you to wear less and less and makeup each time.

-Pamper Yourself.  This may sound silly but always having a good night sleep helps you look more amazing. Sleep 6-8 continuous hours everyday and you will start noticing how much your skin improves.

-Clean your makeup brushes. This step is in before bedtime skin care because its easier to wash your brushes at night so they'll be dry in the morning.  Washing your brushes is an awesome way to keep day-before dirt off your face. Helps with breakouts, oily skin and overall skin products.

Trying different skin care products is an fantastic way to discover new products that you love but remember that if any skin care products irritates your skin at any time toss it out. Good luck.

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